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The 3 Tasks of SKGs - Vineyard Church of Marysville


(1) Life with Jesus Questions

When you gather, seek to answer the three Life with Jesus questions. Each person takes turns answering the same question, and then preceding to the next question. Ensure that the group is a safe place, protecting any confidential things that are shared. The 3 questions:

  • Experiencing God: How have you experienced the Lord this week? Possible answers: “I sensed God saying…”, “I saw the Holy Spirit in this situation…”, or “I felt God’s love when…”
  • Responding to Jesus: How are you responding to God’s promptings? Be honest. Sometimes we obey; sometimes we don’t.
  • Struggling in Life: Do you have a need to confess any sin or any area of struggle? What is keeping you from God’s best?

(2) Bible Probing Questions

When you gather, answer these two Bible Probing questions. SKG’s set Bible reading goals for the coming week. What is your plan as a group (i.e. one chapter per day from Luke, download a Bible app and follow a reading plan together, etc.)? Remember to keep your focus on Bible obeying, not simple Bible reading. The 2 questions:

  • Reaching our Goal: Did we reach our goal collectively? Did we all get the Bible reading done this week?
  • Obeying the Word: What was personally helpful and challenging from the Bible reading? What is God leading you to do or obey?

(3) Outreach Focus Questions

Pray for friends who are far from God, praying consistently & regularly. The group is encouraged to identify two or three people whom the Lord lays on their heart and remember to pray for them throughout the week. When you gather, ask each other one last question: How is God using you to impact others and be a witness for Jesus? Any stories from the week?

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