SKG’s are small groups of either men or women (3-5 people of same gender) who gather regularly to grow in Jesus and experience the kingdom of God in everyday life. The genius of SKG’s is this: Keep things simple; keep things relational. This is not an intense Bible study format that requires additional preparation for any person. As far as preparation, there is little to none. Group members are, instead, encouraged to live life with a growing awareness of the Holy Spirit’s activity and a growing desire to obey the Lord Jesus throughout the week. So in other words, they do life and then simply meet with their SKG and discuss what the Lord is doing among them

Groups meet weekly and stay intentionally small. Each group (3-5 people) meet regularly for approximately one hour per week. The times can be flexible as people’s work schedules change or family dynamics change. Because the groups are small in number, SKG’s can be extremely fluid. Times and dates and location of gatherings can be adapted as needed. Groups meet in coffeehouses, restaurants, break rooms, offices, parks, living rooms, backyards, or whatever location works for the group.

There is no curriculum, workbook or training involved. You simply to the following:

1. Show up.

2. Walk through the questions, along with setting Bible reading goals.

3. Learn to care for each other as people of the kingdom.

There is not necessarily a leader needed in these groups. SKG’s are not dependent on pastors, Bible scholars, or gifted teachers. Anyone can gather a group together and facilitate the meetings. If needed, group members can also take turns facilitating. The appointed facilitator (if he or she is needed) should never dominate the group by talking too much. Instead, he or she would simply keep the group on task, making sure the questions are being answered and that everyone has opportunity to contribute. Some groups may not even need a facilitator, for the group is carried along by the SKG questions and what God is doing.

There are 3 tasks for every SKG. What are these 3 tasks? What are some questions you ask each other as you gather? Click here to view the 3 Basic SKG Tasks.

Please contact us if you’d like to begin an SKG or if you’d like assistance to join one. Even though these groups are not leader led, every group still needs to name somebody as the Point Person. We will then connect with this Point Person from time to time, asking how your group is doing and how we can support you.

If you are interested in starting an SKG, contact Jim & Sharon McFarlane: