Our Mission

Drawn To Jesus | Equipped By The Spirit | Reaching People Together

Our Core Values

Select each Core Value below to learn more!

We value passionately pursuing an intimate walk with God, inviting Jesus into every aspect of home, work, and daily life

We value the presence of the Holy Spirit and the pursuit of His gifts. We believe all New Testament gifts are still valuable, even desperately needed, for the church today.

We value loving and serving others much like our Lord Jesus, who showed compassion and brought hope for people with messy, sinful, broken lives.

We value becoming a caring, Christ-centered family, gathering in small groups throughout the week. We will carry each other’s burdens and do life together.

We value family ministry, where every generation gets to play and be actively involved in the Lord’s work. By God’s grace, even children and youth will be active participants in church life and ministry.

We value team-oriented leadership based on gifting and calling, as opposed to gender, race, or class.

We value partnering with local pastors, churches, and organizations to help advance God’s kingdom in our region.

We value partnering with other like-minded churches to become a globally minded people, caring and praying for other nations as the Spirit of God leads.

We value God’s plan for human sexuality to be expressed only in a monogamous, lifelong relationship between one man and one woman within the covenant union of marriage. 


The kingdom of God is the rule and reign of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to restore and renew what sin destroyed. By faith through grace we embrace the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, enabling us to live as kingdom people. Though not fully realized until Jesus returns, the kingdom is present now, anywhere, anytime we choose to listen, to engage, to obey Jesus. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we live, love, and serve with Jesus in every area of our lives. Therefore we pray, “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Our Pastor and Staff

Freddy Chacko

Lead Pastor

Born in New York and raised in Chattanooga TN, Freddy has been deeply involved in the work of The Kingdom since 2013, serving in various capacities including Director of Operations at Hope City Church in Chattanooga and as Associate Pastor at Grangeville Christian Church in Grangeville, ID for three years. Freddy earned a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2017 and a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies the following year. He and his wife Denise have two beautiful daughters.

Sue Lee

Children's Ministry Leader

Harla Lawson

Youth Ministry Leader

Our Elder Team

Freddy Chacko, Pastor

Jim McFarlane

Jason Miller

Sue Lee

Debbie Case

Our Story

In September 2000, Vineyard Church of Marysville began as a home group.  We were officially planted out of Vineyard Columbus.  The original core team consisted of five couples, all long-time residents of Marysville and Union County.  When our home group grew to approximately twenty adults, we started a second group.

In January 2001, we began having Sunday evening gatherings at Mill Valley Elementary School, calling it, A Taste of Vineyard. In September of that year, the attendance was approximately 60-65 people and there was a growing sense of excitement in what God was doing among us!

In January 2002, we began meeting regularly on Sunday mornings and were still meeting at the school at this time. We grew to approximately 100 people, with six small groups meeting in homes throughout the week.

In April 2003, through a miraculous series of events, we were able to purchase our current 5th Street facility.  The building has been a blessing to us over the years.  Even today, God continues to strengthen and lead us as a church! The Lord is stirring our hearts and doing new things in our midst! “Come, Holy Spirit,” we continue to pray, “Use us to bring more and more people to Jesus and advance your kingdom in Marysville and beyond!” 

Our Family

The Vineyard story is about ordinary people who worship and serve an extraordinary God. The Vineyard is simply one thread in the rich tapestry of the historic and global Church of Jesus Christ. But it is a thread of God’s weaving.

From the beginning, Vineyard pastors and leaders have sought to hold in tension the biblical doctrines of the Christian faith with an ardent pursuit of the present day work of the Spirit of God. Maintaining that balance is never easy in the midst of rapid growth and renewal.